Partnership Possibilities

At The Foreign Exchange Trading Academy, LLC we are always looking
for flexible interns with experience in the following fields:
Analytical Research – Macroeconomics
Marketing Specialist
Client Relations
Internships are unpaid, however, candidates will enjoy benefits such as:
1) Experience working in the heart of Manhattan, at our Midtown office.
2) Building an exemplary portfolio that you can showcase in your resume.
3) Learn Forex trading from some of the best in business.
4) Flexibility to work by your own schedule.
5) Once in a lifetime experience of working with CEOs’ and upper management.
Teaching Opportunities
The Foreign Exchange Trading Academy, LLC aims to expand learning horizons by providing its clients with a comprehensive path of becoming a Forex teacher.
The Academy offers a comprehensive teaching curriculum on Forex trading, Options trading, and all-round trading.
1) Forex Trading
The Academy will provide one-on- one interactive sessions which will incorporate all the essential elements of becoming a Forex instructor.
2) Options Trading
The traders at Foreign Exchange Trading Academy are highly experienced in Futures and Options trading. The comprehensive teaching curriculum designed by our traders will provide you with an interactive, affordable and realistic path to becoming a Futures and an Options Trader.
3) All-Round Trading
The Hybrid package involves elements of Foreign Exchange Trading, Options
Trading, and Futures Trading. The teaching curriculum will provide you with a
pathway to becoming an all-round trading instructor.
If you're interested in the positions being offered please send your resume to the contact email below.
Contact us if you want to become an affiliate referral or have questions on our affiliate program.